The experience and knowledge of the railway sector enables us to develop any kind of project in the area of Civil Engineering Infrastructures. The subsector of the rail transport is one of the most dynamic due to the investor effort of the public administrations in processes aimed at improving the speed, duplication of tracks, renovations and improvements in the infrastructure, especially in the high-speed lines and in the metropolitan and suburban railways. MDE has carried out over the course of its history many of the works of a railway nature, both in infrastructure and as in super structure, in any of the modalities of this means of transport, from the high-speed railway up to the subway or the new trams, including the maintenance and renovation of the existing lines as well as the construction and refurbishment of new stations. To address the implementation of the projects, MDE has an experienced and specialized multidisciplinary team, also relying on security personnel authorized by the main government agencies at the national level.