203 Ficha Carrusel4bis

MDE has actively participated in the construction of the last Spanish High Speed line that links Madrid to Valencia with 438 km of track and that allows the commercial exploitation at speeds of up to 350 km/h by incorporating the latest advances in technology ERMTS for the common management of the railway traffic.

The Construction of technical buildings and buildings of regulation and control hosting signalling installations, train protection systems, fixed communications and traffic control centers, needed for the operation and commissioning of different sections as well as tunnel booths at the entrance of the tunnels to accommodate auxiliary systems of energy, detection and/or fixed telecommunications.

We have also built different buildings and workshops in the construction of the new rail access to the Station of Albacete to allow the transit of high-speed trains (with a track gauge of 1435 mm) along with the Iberian gauge.

In addition MDE has resolved the adaptation of the OPERATOR RENFE workshops to ensure the first level maintenance of the high-speed trains in the Series-130 with variable gauge axles, made up of 11 cars of the 7 Talgo series permanently coupled to two Talgo-Bombardier traction heads, with a total length of 180 m for this reason the construction and extension of the pits and the comprehensive adaptation of the facilities was necessary."